Monday, August 11, 2014


Body weight: 47.9kg (checked)

Hb level: 13.6 (checked)

Blood pressure: 125/78 (checked)

Alhamdulillah, I managed to donate blood today! Syukur~ (^~^)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bersyukurlah kita di Malaysia~ o(╥﹏╥)o


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Semalam Allah telah murahkan rezeki aku, makcik usrah bawak aku berbuka puasa di Klana Resort Hotel~ Alhamdulillah! Kebetulan ada iftar Aman Palestin di situ.

Bukan itu point utama yang aku nak cakap sebenarnya,,, semalam juga Prof Zain ada bercerita mengenai keadaan di Gaza~ katanya, 5 kali cubaan untuk pergi ke Gaza, hanya 2 kali sahaja beliau dibenarkan memasuki Gaza~ sebelum sampai ke sana, mereka harus melalui 14 hentian askar di sana~ masyaAllah! Sampai begitu sekali Gaza dikepung~

Yang paling menyayat hati apabila Prof Zain memberitahu warga Palestin tak dapat sumber air yang bersih kerana Israel menyedut semua air bersih di Palestin. Ya Allah! Kejamnya mereka~

Ada juga Prof Zain menceritakan bahawa warga Palestin menunggu giliran untuk mendapatkan rawatan dalam kereta masing-masing di HQ AP, apabila ditanya berapa lama mereka dah tunggu, jawapan yang diterima adalah 3 hari~ namun dalam 3 hari masa menunggu itu, mereka masih pergi ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat~

Program semalam membuka mata hati aku mengenai keadaan di sana~ semalam juga mereka dapat mengumpulkan rm22000 untuk disumbangkan ke Aman Palestin. Alhamdulillah! (^~^) Allah telah permudahkan urusan mereka semalam! Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang menderma.

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Teacher and her instinct,, hmmm (⌒∇⌒)


Assalamualaikum wbt,,,

Yesterday I met my tuition teacher at her place, everytime I met her, she always says that she prays for me (I can't thank you enough cikgu!),, but the weird thing is she hopes that I'd be in a relationship (if you know what I mean) with my friend which happen to be her student as well~ she said that she has the so-called instinct about this for like years!

When I first heard this from her which was years ago (I can't exactly tell you when because I did not remember at all), I can't help but to scoff at her statement and I really could not accept it! but as time goes by and I kept on hearing the same thing over and over again, I can only smile and say 'amin' to her statement,, who knows whatever she says is actually true~ who am I to deny it if he is truly destined by Allah to be with me,, we never know~ (: Allah knows better, we can only hope and pray,,,

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~ ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

Friday, July 4, 2014

Comparing my fav series; Harry Potter and Vampire

Well hye! This is what I did when I read through the VA series,,, yeah,, all of them,,, I've taken a like on the series only recently and I just can't believe I'd be obsessed over series like this again,, well after Harry Potter and Twilight you know~ haha!

So this is what I found, the similarities and differences in both Vampire Academy series and Harry Potter series! Yehet!

the similarities:

- both Rose and Harry is a badass, i mean they attract problems and they are the trouble maker, and they broke rules ALL THE TIME~
- they are also the centre of attraction in their school
- the setting is in school; St Vladimir's for Rose n Hogwarts' for Harry
- their enemy is of their kind; Rose's enemy is from Strigoi though its different kind of vamp but they are still vampires while Harry's from wizard as well in case u forgot - Voldemort
- they travel a lot like A LOT!
- both are very emotional,,,

The differences:

- well,, of course the gender! haha
- Rose is a vampire, Harry Potter is a wizard
- Harry uses his wand and spells and potions to fight whereas Rose uses her physical abilities and silver stake to fight
- the purpose of their fight is kinda different; Rose fights for Dimitri, Harry fights for hmmm lets just say for everyone,, lol!

Nadia, if u wanna add something, feel free to do so! Hiks! I love them all,, esp Romitri and Sydrian~ wuhoooo! Till then, chiao! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノo((*^▽^*))o(v^_^)v

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Experience!!! d=(´▽`)=b

ahhhh what a great journey I've 'experienced'! 😁✌ well,, sometimes books can be a great entertainment to past time don't you think? 😉 there are some things that i expected them to happen:

1. Lissa being a Queen and Rose being Lissa's guardian, (well i totally expected this to happen)

2. Rose and Dimitri being a couple, yay! i anticipate this actually! they are so meant to be together! 😍😄😆 and the same goes for Lissa n Christian

3. Rose broke up with Adrian,, poor him! I mean he's totally into her u know, and fate has set that he is not meant for Rose and vice versa... (i really like, nah scratch that, LOVE Adrian's character in this series, he has a playful and flirty character 😆, oh I'm so in love with him!)

what i did not expect AT ALL:

1. Jill is Lissa's stepsister, well since Lissa's father, Eric Dragomir has another woman... hmm i totally did not expect this!

2. Tasha Ozera was the one who murdered the Queen! this one is actually my number-one list of things that i did not expect!!!! i thought it might be some other Moroi or myb Daniella to murder the queen, but Tasha! goshhh this is totally caught me off guard!

3. the bond between Lissa and Rose has gone! gosh! i don't want the bond to be gone~ like seriously!!!! huaaaa! 😭

4. Rose accidentally killed Victor Dashkov! this caught me off guard as well!

5. They found Sonya Karp and bring her back to life... well, to Moroi actually! phewwww! haha~

6. got another series that continue the VA series - Bloodlines,, and it has Sydney's pov after a month of everything has happened in the last book of VA series,,, hmmm n now I have to immerse myself in the new series,,, again! lol

well, that's all i guess, bloodlines will be reviewed next time i log in here okey~ 😁😉

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scared, afraid

I'm kinda scared to browse my fb or twitter as I might be seeing news that will make my heart broken even more~ aigoooo

Me: just ship them okey,, #BaekYeon

My subconscious: haha, yeah, whatever u say, heartbroken girl! 😏

Me: ... 🙀

Friday, June 13, 2014

Perjumpaan dengan Dia!


Assalamualaikum wbt...

وَإِذِ اعْتَزَلْتُمُوهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ فَأْوُوا إِلَى الْكَهْفِ يَنْشُرْ لَكُمْ رَبُّكُمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِهِ وَيُهَيِّئْ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَمْرِكُمْ مِرْفَقًا
Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya aku ini manusia biasa seperti kamu, yang diwahyukan kepadaku: "Bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu itu adalah Tuhan yang Esa". Barangsiapa mengharap perjumpaan dengan Tuhannya, maka hendaklah ia mengerjakan amal yang saleh dan janganlah ia mempersekutukan seorang pun dalam beribadat kepada Tuhannya". (( AL-KAHFI : Ayat 15 | Android ))

Senang je sebenarnya kita nih nak berjumpa dengan Tuhan yang Esa dan senang juga nak memasuki syurga,,

- kerjakan amalan soleh
- tidak menyekutukan Allah dengan yang lain

Tapi cakap senang, nak melaksanakannya susah~ kena ada daya usaha dan jati diri yang kuat untuk kuatkan iman~ masyaAllah, semoga Allah memelihara iman kita semua!

Wallahua'lam,,, may Allah bless~

P/s- dah baca surah al-Kahfi hari nih? Segerakanlah! 😺 semoga amalan kita diterima di malam Nisfu Syaaban ini, insyaAllah!

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Assalamualaikum wbt...

"Ayah tak jadi lah nak pergi masjid"

"Kenapa yah?"

"Ayah tak bawak baju melayu pulaknye,"

Aduhai,, persepsi masyarakat yang mana perlu memakai baju melayu atau jubah atau baju kurung untuk ke masjid adalah SALAH!

Boleh pakai baju apa-apa pun asalkan menutup aurat dan tidak melanggar syariat Islam,,, :) Islam sebenarnya mudah je, kita yang menyusahkan~

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~

P/s: ada seorang kawan saya dah otw nak balik Malaysia, semoga Allah melindungi dan merahmati perjalanannya~ :) helmiiii, welcome home! ^_~

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jodoh perkahwinan~ :)


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Baru je lepas call seorang sahabat yang bakal bernikah malam nih, sesungguhnya jodohnya dah sampai~ Alhamdulillah! Tahniah Mardhiah Marzuki! ^^

aku pula? InsyaAllah, one fine day~ janji Allah itu pasti,, jodoh Dia yang tentukan~ tunggu jela kad dari saya! ^_~

Wallahua'lam,, may Allah bless~

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Appreciation to ourselves...


Assalamualaikum wbt~

Appreciate ourselves for WHO WE ARE,
Not for what others wants us to be~

If you feel like rambling nonsense things, then do so
If you don't feel like talking, then do so
If you want to do something funny or dangerous or challenging, then do so
As long as you know what you do and it does not change your faith in Allah~

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~

Monday, August 11, 2014


Body weight: 47.9kg (checked)

Hb level: 13.6 (checked)

Blood pressure: 125/78 (checked)

Alhamdulillah, I managed to donate blood today! Syukur~ (^~^)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bersyukurlah kita di Malaysia~ o(╥﹏╥)o


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Semalam Allah telah murahkan rezeki aku, makcik usrah bawak aku berbuka puasa di Klana Resort Hotel~ Alhamdulillah! Kebetulan ada iftar Aman Palestin di situ.

Bukan itu point utama yang aku nak cakap sebenarnya,,, semalam juga Prof Zain ada bercerita mengenai keadaan di Gaza~ katanya, 5 kali cubaan untuk pergi ke Gaza, hanya 2 kali sahaja beliau dibenarkan memasuki Gaza~ sebelum sampai ke sana, mereka harus melalui 14 hentian askar di sana~ masyaAllah! Sampai begitu sekali Gaza dikepung~

Yang paling menyayat hati apabila Prof Zain memberitahu warga Palestin tak dapat sumber air yang bersih kerana Israel menyedut semua air bersih di Palestin. Ya Allah! Kejamnya mereka~

Ada juga Prof Zain menceritakan bahawa warga Palestin menunggu giliran untuk mendapatkan rawatan dalam kereta masing-masing di HQ AP, apabila ditanya berapa lama mereka dah tunggu, jawapan yang diterima adalah 3 hari~ namun dalam 3 hari masa menunggu itu, mereka masih pergi ke masjid untuk menunaikan solat~

Program semalam membuka mata hati aku mengenai keadaan di sana~ semalam juga mereka dapat mengumpulkan rm22000 untuk disumbangkan ke Aman Palestin. Alhamdulillah! (^~^) Allah telah permudahkan urusan mereka semalam! Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang menderma.

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Teacher and her instinct,, hmmm (⌒∇⌒)


Assalamualaikum wbt,,,

Yesterday I met my tuition teacher at her place, everytime I met her, she always says that she prays for me (I can't thank you enough cikgu!),, but the weird thing is she hopes that I'd be in a relationship (if you know what I mean) with my friend which happen to be her student as well~ she said that she has the so-called instinct about this for like years!

When I first heard this from her which was years ago (I can't exactly tell you when because I did not remember at all), I can't help but to scoff at her statement and I really could not accept it! but as time goes by and I kept on hearing the same thing over and over again, I can only smile and say 'amin' to her statement,, who knows whatever she says is actually true~ who am I to deny it if he is truly destined by Allah to be with me,, we never know~ (: Allah knows better, we can only hope and pray,,,

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~ ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

Friday, July 4, 2014

Comparing my fav series; Harry Potter and Vampire

Well hye! This is what I did when I read through the VA series,,, yeah,, all of them,,, I've taken a like on the series only recently and I just can't believe I'd be obsessed over series like this again,, well after Harry Potter and Twilight you know~ haha!

So this is what I found, the similarities and differences in both Vampire Academy series and Harry Potter series! Yehet!

the similarities:

- both Rose and Harry is a badass, i mean they attract problems and they are the trouble maker, and they broke rules ALL THE TIME~
- they are also the centre of attraction in their school
- the setting is in school; St Vladimir's for Rose n Hogwarts' for Harry
- their enemy is of their kind; Rose's enemy is from Strigoi though its different kind of vamp but they are still vampires while Harry's from wizard as well in case u forgot - Voldemort
- they travel a lot like A LOT!
- both are very emotional,,,

The differences:

- well,, of course the gender! haha
- Rose is a vampire, Harry Potter is a wizard
- Harry uses his wand and spells and potions to fight whereas Rose uses her physical abilities and silver stake to fight
- the purpose of their fight is kinda different; Rose fights for Dimitri, Harry fights for hmmm lets just say for everyone,, lol!

Nadia, if u wanna add something, feel free to do so! Hiks! I love them all,, esp Romitri and Sydrian~ wuhoooo! Till then, chiao! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノo((*^▽^*))o(v^_^)v

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Experience!!! d=(´▽`)=b

ahhhh what a great journey I've 'experienced'! 😁✌ well,, sometimes books can be a great entertainment to past time don't you think? 😉 there are some things that i expected them to happen:

1. Lissa being a Queen and Rose being Lissa's guardian, (well i totally expected this to happen)

2. Rose and Dimitri being a couple, yay! i anticipate this actually! they are so meant to be together! 😍😄😆 and the same goes for Lissa n Christian

3. Rose broke up with Adrian,, poor him! I mean he's totally into her u know, and fate has set that he is not meant for Rose and vice versa... (i really like, nah scratch that, LOVE Adrian's character in this series, he has a playful and flirty character 😆, oh I'm so in love with him!)

what i did not expect AT ALL:

1. Jill is Lissa's stepsister, well since Lissa's father, Eric Dragomir has another woman... hmm i totally did not expect this!

2. Tasha Ozera was the one who murdered the Queen! this one is actually my number-one list of things that i did not expect!!!! i thought it might be some other Moroi or myb Daniella to murder the queen, but Tasha! goshhh this is totally caught me off guard!

3. the bond between Lissa and Rose has gone! gosh! i don't want the bond to be gone~ like seriously!!!! huaaaa! 😭

4. Rose accidentally killed Victor Dashkov! this caught me off guard as well!

5. They found Sonya Karp and bring her back to life... well, to Moroi actually! phewwww! haha~

6. got another series that continue the VA series - Bloodlines,, and it has Sydney's pov after a month of everything has happened in the last book of VA series,,, hmmm n now I have to immerse myself in the new series,,, again! lol

well, that's all i guess, bloodlines will be reviewed next time i log in here okey~ 😁😉

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scared, afraid

I'm kinda scared to browse my fb or twitter as I might be seeing news that will make my heart broken even more~ aigoooo

Me: just ship them okey,, #BaekYeon

My subconscious: haha, yeah, whatever u say, heartbroken girl! 😏

Me: ... 🙀

Friday, June 13, 2014

Perjumpaan dengan Dia!


Assalamualaikum wbt...

وَإِذِ اعْتَزَلْتُمُوهُمْ وَمَا يَعْبُدُونَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ فَأْوُوا إِلَى الْكَهْفِ يَنْشُرْ لَكُمْ رَبُّكُمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِهِ وَيُهَيِّئْ لَكُمْ مِنْ أَمْرِكُمْ مِرْفَقًا
Katakanlah: Sesungguhnya aku ini manusia biasa seperti kamu, yang diwahyukan kepadaku: "Bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhan kamu itu adalah Tuhan yang Esa". Barangsiapa mengharap perjumpaan dengan Tuhannya, maka hendaklah ia mengerjakan amal yang saleh dan janganlah ia mempersekutukan seorang pun dalam beribadat kepada Tuhannya". (( AL-KAHFI : Ayat 15 | Android ))

Senang je sebenarnya kita nih nak berjumpa dengan Tuhan yang Esa dan senang juga nak memasuki syurga,,

- kerjakan amalan soleh
- tidak menyekutukan Allah dengan yang lain

Tapi cakap senang, nak melaksanakannya susah~ kena ada daya usaha dan jati diri yang kuat untuk kuatkan iman~ masyaAllah, semoga Allah memelihara iman kita semua!

Wallahua'lam,,, may Allah bless~

P/s- dah baca surah al-Kahfi hari nih? Segerakanlah! 😺 semoga amalan kita diterima di malam Nisfu Syaaban ini, insyaAllah!

Saturday, June 7, 2014



Assalamualaikum wbt...

"Ayah tak jadi lah nak pergi masjid"

"Kenapa yah?"

"Ayah tak bawak baju melayu pulaknye,"

Aduhai,, persepsi masyarakat yang mana perlu memakai baju melayu atau jubah atau baju kurung untuk ke masjid adalah SALAH!

Boleh pakai baju apa-apa pun asalkan menutup aurat dan tidak melanggar syariat Islam,,, :) Islam sebenarnya mudah je, kita yang menyusahkan~

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~

P/s: ada seorang kawan saya dah otw nak balik Malaysia, semoga Allah melindungi dan merahmati perjalanannya~ :) helmiiii, welcome home! ^_~

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jodoh perkahwinan~ :)


Assalamualaikum wbt...

Baru je lepas call seorang sahabat yang bakal bernikah malam nih, sesungguhnya jodohnya dah sampai~ Alhamdulillah! Tahniah Mardhiah Marzuki! ^^

aku pula? InsyaAllah, one fine day~ janji Allah itu pasti,, jodoh Dia yang tentukan~ tunggu jela kad dari saya! ^_~

Wallahua'lam,, may Allah bless~

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Appreciation to ourselves...


Assalamualaikum wbt~

Appreciate ourselves for WHO WE ARE,
Not for what others wants us to be~

If you feel like rambling nonsense things, then do so
If you don't feel like talking, then do so
If you want to do something funny or dangerous or challenging, then do so
As long as you know what you do and it does not change your faith in Allah~

Wallahua'lam, may Allah bless~